RAMS Tools

Class list creator

The class list creator allows any approved person to create a list for any combination of the classes and sections they are approved for. There should be at least one person in every department who can give you this approval. Unfortunately different departments have different people doing it so we can't be specific about how to get this approval.

List Manager

The list manager allows owners and moderators to perform their administrative tasks via the web. Just log and you will be presented with a list of lists you have access to and a menu of operations you can perform on them.


The archives and statistics page allows you to see the archives for lists that have them, and statistical information for lists that do not. It is also a useful troubleshooting device because if your message appears here, it means that it has been completely sent out and is in the process of being delivered via the Rutgers e-mail infrastructure.

Existing Lists

This is a listing of all the current announcement lists set up within RAMS. It does not cover class lists.